Course curriculum

    1. Welcome video

    2. Meet the teacher

    3. Learning objectives

    4. Getting to know each other

    5. Become familiar with the learning platform

    1. Instructional design - the basics

    2. Instructional design - step by step

    3. Formulate SMART learning objectives

    4. Pull and push knowledge

    5. Copyright

    1. Single page action plan

    2. Course checklist

    1. Structure your text

    2. Add lay-out elements to your text lessons

    1. Add multimedia to your course

    2. Examples of video lessons

    3. Examples of welcome videos

    4. Prepare your Powerpoint presentation before recording

    5. Recording a weblecture in the CAPTURE video studio

    6. Recording a weblecture at home

    7. Video formats and examples

    1. Introduction

    2. Why is adding interactivity so important?

    3. Different types of exercises

    4. Pull and push knowledge

    5. Multiple Choice

    6. Hotspots for Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC)

    7. Hotspot - plasma reactor

    8. Hotspot - strawberry

    9. Hotspot - using a world map

    10. Fill in the blanks with multiple choice

    11. Fill in the blanks

    12. How to activate tables and graphs

    13. Interpreting graphs

    14. Drag and drop - table

    15. Drag and drop - table 2

    16. Drag and drop - processes

    17. Drag and drop - ordering items

    18. Drag and drop - ordering in hierarchy

    19. Drag and drop - chemical formula

    20. H5P fill in the blanks

    21. Drag and drop

    22. Flash cards - identifying images

    23. Writing exercise

    24. Mentimeter: questions

    25. Padlet: Add locations on a map

    26. Padlet: Add items to a timeline

    27. Case studies

    28. Virtual tours

    29. Horizontal timeline

    30. Drag the words

    31. H5P - Hotspots for Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC)

    32. Looking for the right spot

    33. H5P - Drag and drop on Bacterial Vaginosis

About this course

  • Free
  • 56 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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